
Investigation & Risk Management
Screening & Talent

William D. Evans, II Forensic Polygraph Examiner, JD, MS, A.C.P

Ken Butler
Mark Martin

Dennis Doverspike

Nancy K. Grant
Poly-Tech Associates, Inc.
Truth & Law Center
1185 South Main Street
Akron, OH 44301
P: 330.434.2344
4403 St Clair Ave
Cleveland, OH 44103
P: 216.241.4661
250 East Broad St.
Suite 200
Columbus, OH 43215

Professional Polygraph Service
Poly-Tech stays on the leading edge of the polygraph profession.
Polygraph service
We have conducted tens of thousands of polygraph examinations since 1977, serving the legal profession and law enforcement statewide. We've been using digital computerized polygraph instruments since 1995, well in advance of others. We do not use antiquated analog polygraph instruments. Our instrumentation is absolutely "state of the art".
We consistently attain the highest levels of reliability and validity. Our testing protocol differs from all other methodologies based on a number of studies; the accuracy in criminal investigations shows the reliability of these examinations to be very high. Depending on the study, test validity can reach 98%.
For decades, Mr. Evans has examined on very high-profile cases at the request of noted attorneys in the state of Ohio and beyond. Please ask Mr. Evans for references if necessary.
Computerized polygraph is digital, which means that there is a high signal to noise ratio making it very sensitive to physiological responses. In addition, the integrity of the data from the original examination is easily preserved on the hard drive, or by transfer to disk storage.